Urban Farming Challenges & Advantages

Urban Farming Challenges & Advantages

Farming in the city presents unique challenges that provide the basic context for this work. These challenges are common to every city everywhere, and they inform the work we do agriculturally. Here are what I consider the most common urban farming challenges:...
Giving vs. Selling Food

Giving vs. Selling Food

It has never been our intention to give food away. When Seann and I first began meeting to discuss the Sole Food project, the ideas and goals on the table included growing the food, feeding the neighborhood, providing jobs, teaching people to farm, and more. We knew...
Parking Space Profits

Parking Space Profits

An average parking space is nine-by-eighteen feet or 162 square feet. If you are working with biologically active soils and you are reasonably skilled as a farmer, a 162 square foot parking space can produce 450-500 pounds of food in a 4-6 month growing season. 500...