by soleadmin | Dec 17, 2018 | Farming, Street Farm, Uncategorized, Urban Farm
Vote Here Community builder Concord Pacific along with Global BC community reporter Michael Newman set out to find kind people in the Concord Pacific Place community to reward their act of kindness with a $1000 donation to their charity. One of these charities will...
by soleadmin | Aug 28, 2017 | Farming, Street Farm, Urban Farm
(Vancouver, BC) Vancouver’s most prominent urban farm is preparing for a major transplant. Sole Food Street Farms is a social enterprise that provides meaningful employment and training for residents of Vancouver’s downtown east-side. The farms produce twenty-five...
by soleadmin | Sep 9, 2016 | Farming, Street Farm, Urban Farm
An average parking space is nine-by-eighteen feet or 162 square feet. If you are working with biologically active soils and you are reasonably skilled as a farmer, a 162 square foot parking space can produce 450-500 pounds of food in a 4-6 month growing season. 500...